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A Time of Endings & New Beginnings

The energy of this partial lunar eclipse occurring on August 7, 2017 is in place to prepare us for the massive energy flux that will result from the Great American Total Solar Eclipse occurring on August 21, 2017. Eclipse energy, which typically lasts about 6 months, brings forth the “eclipse” of the old to make way for the new. This is especially the case with this particular eclipse due to the forward thinking influence of Aquarius combined with the potent and powerful energy of the Full Moon. This proves an exceptionally powerful opportunity to clean house and clear out any stagnant energy and ways of thinking that are no longer serving us. By releasing the old and making way for the new, we will be aligning ourselves with this great new energy enabling the manifestation of desires, hopes and dreams in a much more efficient and tangible way. Only by releasing the old (ways of thinking, decluttering the mind, heart and body, as well as, physical space) and making room within ourselves and our world, will we each have the opportunity to make the most of these new and quite potent energies. With clear intent and mind-full preparation, we will each experience the manifestation of these energies in a very real, profound and beneficial way. We are talking REAL PURPOSEFUL CHANGE stemming from self-creation. Think about it, as a mass community here in the United States, I think we can all agree that this is something we collectively have been crying out for. The systems we have had in place and the old ways of doing things for the most part has been and continues to break down rather rapidly right before our eyes. The energies of these eclipses are answering our prayers in many ways; responding to our cries and supporting us energetically in an effort to bring about real desired change that can be seen, heard and felt. So I urge each and every one of us to reflect inwardly in an effort to gain true understanding of what we want and define the picture of our ideal world in its most glorious and ideal state.


In an effort to clear out the old, this is a time to reflect back to our earlier years and see how far we have come. By looking back we can then give ourselves the credit where credit is due as we have all travelled such a far way. Let us each reflect on who we were and how we have grown. Appreciate your unique journey and give yourself a pat on the back. Take into your mind and heart the realization that you have changed and that it is you and only you that has changed it. People and places may influence you but only you have the power to actually change yourself.

Now reflect on who you were and how the current you may still be the same, perhaps encountering the same obstacles or struggles. Take the time to go within and define those reoccurring patterns that have continued to challenge you throughout your journey. Give those patterns the much needed attention in an effort to realize the core of its existence. Get to the bottom of the reason as to why that pattern still exists and absorb that realization. Once you get real with yourself, then it’s easier to get real with any persons or places that are associated with it. The release of old patterns begins first with discovery and is followed by acknowledgment. By sharing this discovery and acknowledgment with those that may be associated with it, we find validation which allows for release. Despite whether the other parties are in agreement or not with you perception, the very act of opening and sharing will begin the healing process, lifting and alleviating us of the pattern and burden. This is what healing is all about and it is safe to say that WE ALL CAN USE HEALING.

Look to your past to gain the freedom to manifest your future. The Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius on August 7th is here supporting us with its powerful energy as it clears away the old and creates a purposeful path for all of us to manifest the new.

With Love & Light,


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